Our Company's Profile

Our Philosophy

Our company is synonymous with ecological construction and energy efficient buildings using wood.

With our constructions we give form to the contemporary standards that define bioclimatic design, natural construction, energy efficiency.

The energy efficient, eco-buildings under the signature of WandS are designed for the perfect harmony between human and his/her local environment.

Whether constructing in Greece or in another country, our constructions respect and adhere to each site requirements and architecture.


WandS makes every effort to maintain the ecological balance, actively promoting sustainable development and environmental awareness.

The objective of WandS inhabits minimizing the negative impacts for the environment, as CO2 emissions, as well as the lowest possible energy use, with the minimum energy footprint on our environment. Through legal timber trade, we support the forest, because for every trunk of imported timber,  two new trees are planted.



Within times of environmental degradation, wasting of natural resources, severance of man's relationship with the natural environment, WandS drastically resists and implements introduces a new perspective into the area of construction.

The basic parameters and business targets of WandS are :

  • Bioclimatic design in harmony with the surrounding space.
  • Sustainable, energy efficient constructions, using the solar and geothermal energy.
  • Protection of local ecosystems, using ecological materials.
  • Reduction of toxic pollutants and carbon emissions into the wider range of the environment & the interiors, simultaniously preserving human health.
  • Reduction of the effects of electromagnetic fields.
  • Creation of positive atmosphere into the buildings' environment.
  • Users' involvement in the well-funtioning, bioclimatically correct operation of spaces.


Innovative construction solutions

Innovation has performed a dominant role in the development of WandS. Constantly developing and innovating, offering differentiated solutions with a lower carbon [CO2] footprint, based on customers' needs, contributing to sustainable development. WandS' solutions include High Technology Modular Homes, which are constructed modularly, according to customer's capabilities, as well as innovative No Permit Houses Tiny Houses.

Our team

Vasilainas Anastasios    Βασίλαινας Αναστάσιος

Αναστάσιος Βασίλαινας

CEO – Wood Engineer

Ζαχαρούλα Τσότσου

General Manager

Λεωνίδας Μουτσώκος

Λεωνίδας Μουτσώκος

Civil Engineer.Construction Management MSc

Θανάσης Μούλιας

Πολιτικός Μηχανικός Παν. Πατρών με ειδικότητα στα στατικά 

Έφη Καρανάσου

Αρχιτέκτων Μηχανικός Π.Θ.(MA) Χωροταξία - Πολεοδομία και Περιφερειακή Ανάπτυξη Π.Θ.

Ευσταθία Δούλη

Αρχιτέκτων Μηχανικός ΕΜΠ Master (MSc) Architecture & Planning Beyond Sustainability, CTU

Χριστίνα Ταβουλαρέα

Αρχιτέκτων Μηχανικός ΕΜΠ

Χριστίνα Αντωνέλλη

Architect Engineer M.Arch|MSc

Social responsibility

WandS is an integral part of the society in which the company operates. Its people are the driving force behind its success. It bases its policies on principles such as honesty, morality, sincerity and mutual respect. It creates a safe, comfortable and healthy work environment, where innovation, creativity, productivity and continuous improvement [KAIZEN] are rewarded. WandS plans its business strategy according to the framework defined by the UN Global Compact principles. 

We believe that by caring about the forests and using wood as the fundamental structural material for its constructions, we can all together tackle climate change and meet our International Policy of Kyoto commitments [Kyoto City, Japan].

WandS continually develops its processes to make them more environmentally efficient at all levels.

By-products, such as bark, saw-dust and waste are 100% recycled or used for bioenergy production. The popularity of wood construction is growing strongly and  is also promoted by the European Commission [institutional organ of E.E.]. WandS understands the true value of renewable raw materials. Supporting sustainable development and living, is easy, when choosing the most ecological construction option. A construction signed by WandS is a product of low energy.


The future of the global environment is within our hands.


Our facilities at Vathi Avlidas embody the above-mentioned philosophy. Using geothermal energy and photovoltaic systems 10kw, our facilities present a positive energy footprint and from each year we save the atmosphere from 13,6 tn CO2, only by using the photovoltaic systems.