Innovation WandS
WandS strives to always be at the center of the construction industry and follows every year the developments in the technical sector by attending international and valuable exhibitions / seminars.
We follow the new trends for innovative products and materials, adopting and applying new ideas and innovative solutions that promote low energey constructions. We evolve through constant attendance and participation in exhibitions that inspire us for pioneer constructions and provide us with plenty of choices for our customers. Indicatevely, WandS has visited the following exhibitions in the past years:
- Miláno 2008
- Batimat Paris 2010
- Timber Expo 2013
- Green Building 2014
- Horeca 2015
- Batimat Paris 2015
- Medwood 2016
- Infacoma 2017
- Green Building 2017
- 100% Hotel Show 2017
- Xenia 2017