It is no exaggeration to say that wood can withstand the passing of time, even in terms of centuries, without polluting the environment. The proof of this can be found by firstly considering, the great age of trees, or even dead ones, which have no protection mechanisms yet withstand decomposition, and secondly, 2000-3000 year old wooden boats still intact on the sea floor with only the simplest protection against insects and fungi: a lack of oxygen!
Everyone is aware of the fact that the lumber industry as well as forestry services move and store wood in rivers and lakes. This means that a simple and cheap varnish can provide excellent protection for wood-construction for many years.
Additionally, the moisture content of wood is the most important factor endurance. A moisture content of 20% and a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius are required to avoid discolouration and mold growth in wood. The moisture content of wood exceeds this rate only when the relative humidity has remained above 5% for a long time. For a wooden building to last a long time, it is imperative that it be constructed with moisture protection in mind. This can be achieved through correct design features, such as not placing materials into direct contact with the ground or wedged against walls, in order to prevent condensation. Moreover, proper protection and maintenance can ensure an even longer life for a wood home.
Wood houses are exceptionally durable, provided the necessary construction standards are met. In Europe there are wooden buildings that have survived through the centuries, which clearly demonstrates the strength of wooden structures over time.In Greece, there are notable examples of wooden structures on the island of Lefkada. The village of Kastos is a colourful example, with its two-story stone houses and their impressive wooden shutters, wooden balconies and large doors. That image conveys the tranquillity of times gone by.