The more timber you use in a house, the more CO2 you “remove” from the atmosphere
It takes around 20 trees to build an average house frame
A steel house frame has added 4.5 tones of CO2 to the atmosphere VS a wooden house frame has absorbed 9.5 tones of CO2 from the atmosphere.
Choosing timber options for an average house can take around 20 tones net of CO2 out of the atmosphere saving the equivalent of 7.1 years of car use VS using alternative materials (concrete, steel, brick and aluminum) can add 24 tones net CO2 to the atmosphere costing the equivalent of 8.6 years of car use!!!
Using wood is something we can all do to help the environment. By demanding and using more sustainable produced wood, we can ensure that more trees will be planted and more carbon dioxide will be absorbed from the atmosphere.
The result is a better world for ourselves, our families and future generations. It’s simple. Wood. Our most renewable raw material.
Πηγή: http://www.kaltimber.com/blog/2017/6/19/how-much-co2-is-stored-in-1-kg-of-wood